Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bake Sale Round Up and a Name Change

I have a problem sticking to things - blog names included - so I have to keep changing it until I'm happy. The new name of my blog is Happyness is a Cookie, and it was inspired by the happyness that I get from giving cookies to people and the happyness they (hopefully) feel when they taste them. Baked goods make everything better:)
The bake sale definitely brought happyness into my life. I really really enjoy trying out new recipes and this was the perfect opportunity to do that. I know it's a bit late since the sale was last month but I haven't been able to find my camera cord so I couldn't upload any pics until now. I'll post recipes of the most popular stuff later. And I didn't get to take pictures of everything I made because I was really rushed and forgot.

Caramelized Matzo with Chocolate and Sea Salt
I made these and put them in cute little bags tied with a ribbon. Really great bake sale item!
Brownies from the Baked Cookbook
Also another great item. The brownie was dense and chocolatey with a hint of espresso. And the tops were crackly just like I like them. I drizzled them with homemade salted caramel, dark chocolate and white chocolate.
Strawberry Cupcakes with Strawberry Cream Cheese Frosting
I think these might have been the best cupcakes I've made in a while. I adapted the recipe from the Sky High cookbook and they turned out awesome. The cake was dense and moist and the frosting tasted like strawberry ice cream.

Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt
This was a combination of Jacques Torres' famous cookie and the Cook's Illustrated version. I made a similar recipe before that didn't require browning the butter and it tasted almost the same. I think next time I will skip that step because It was a lot more work for very little return.

Sour Cream Coffee Cake with Cinnamon Swirl from the Baked Cookbook
Another winner from the guys at the Baked Bakery in Red Hook, Brooklyn. In addition to the swirl, there was also a crumb topping that was delicious. I chose to drizzle it with maple icing because I am a drizzle whore and could not resist.

Sour Cream Chocolate Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting
Chocolate Peanut Butter Drizzle

Not the best picture, I know, but they tasted really good. I sold all the good looking ones before I could get a picture in so I had to take a picture of one of the reject cupcakes. This recipe came from Sky High again and it did not disappoint. I ate the leftover frosting for breakfast, lunch and dinner the next day, seriously. The cake was super moist, the frosting was HELLLA GOOD, and the drizzle made it fabulous (Did I mention I was a drizzle whore??)

Oreo Cupcakes with Oreo Cream Cheese Frosting
These looked really great right? People wanted to buy them off of me while I was walking down the street! But I think I need to find a better vanilla cake base. It wasn't as moist as I would like. I thought putting an Oreo on the bottom was genius though, because you can see the logo after it bakes! The Oreo cream cheese frosting tasted great (how could it not be right??).

I also made Salted Browned Butter Rice krispies and Ina Garten's Chocolate Cake with Salted Caramel Frosting, but I forgot to take pictures. They sold really well though! Actually I think everything sold pretty well and the only thing I would redo is the vanilla cake for the Oreo Cupcakes.

Oh and if you didn't pick up on it, I have a few things that I really really love.
1) Brown Butter
2) Salted anything
3)Cream Cheese Frosting
4) Drizzling EVERYTHING

Recipes will come soon enough:)

1 comment:

  1. ommmgggggg my mouth is salivating after looking at those pics. Your descriptions are so vivid that it makes taste buds seem like it's tasting your creations. Plz have a bake sale in SJ =]
