Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years!

Hi Everybody (Yawei especially since I think you're the only one that reads this) =)

I hope you had a wonderful New Years. Mine was mehh but I'm determined to start off the year on a positive note! My dad keeps pestering me to make my resolutions so I'm hoping that by blogging about them, I'll stick to them better???Hopefully?? I have three this year (I really have two but good things come in threes)

1) Get in shape! - This has been my resolution for like ever, but hopefully I can stick to it this year, I've been pretty good since summer so I will go to the gym more and whatnot.

2) Commit to something - If you can't tell by the state of my blog, I find it very hard to stick to anything. I always talk myself out of doing things and pursuing new opportunities or I simply get lazy. So I'm going to try and stop. Really. I'm gonna stop.

3) Explore New York City! - I've been in the city for 1.5 years and I've only explore .001% of it! I really need to get out and try restaurants and all that jazz. I haven't even done all the touristy things. Can you believe I haven't even seen the Statue of Liberty up close yet? Sighs* Hopefully, since I'll be working again this semester I'll have more money to go out. *Fingers Crossed*

So there they are. My resolutions. This year is going to be Legend...wait for it...Dary!!!!
Hehe watching too much How I Met Your Mother lately=)

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