Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fail -_-

Dear Blogspot,

Please don't be mad at me. I know I've neglected you for months. I've been bad. But I'll try and be better! I can make excuses: My camera broke, my laptop broke, my life is currently broken, I have no time. But I know you've heard them before. Please don't give up on me. And can we forget about my little romp with tumblr ( It was just a phase. Just know that you're the one I really love!
Do you want to hear about my life? I think you miss me too. So much has happened, and I'll explain more in detail later. Bur for now, I'll just give you the gist of things:

- I won Master Chef NYU 2011!! Aren't you proud?
- I was recently featured as a baker on StudentChef NYU.
- I got a catering gig for Mel's Mom's gallery opening!
- I work at PIE now (which I think is my foot in the NYC food door, albeit a tiny foot)
- I have no life outside of work, school and interning.

Lots has changed. And when I get a new camera, I will post pretty pictures of you to see. Hopefully this will make you a little bit happier:)


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